Sunday, December 19, 2010

Blog 10

This tangy fruity brew is made by fermenting apple juice in a two-stage process: First, the juice's natural sugars are converted by yeasts to alcohol, and then a group of bacteria called acetobacter convert the alcohol to acid. This acetic acid fermentation forms vinegar. The same goes for apple cider.

This is what the apple juice looks like during fermentation.

Blog 9

Infectious diseases are no joke and people that are infected with the disease should be isolated and away from healthy people.  The government should have control over this and make sure that the virus does not spread any further than it already has. To me I see no need for the army to get invovled. All I know about the army is that they defend our country and go to war. People that are infected with a disease are not going to war nor defending the country. What they need is help and care.

Blog 8

The procedures and protections when entering a biocontainment facility.

From what I know while reading the book Hot Zone in class and watching the movie, it is very crucial to cover every inch of your body when close to any virus infected materials or people. You must also take not if the virus is air-borne or not. If it is, you must wear a specialized suit that allows you to breathe and covers you from head to toe. If any materials that are virus infected do come across any part of your body, it is important that you clean the infected area right away.

Blog 7

Girl: Hey

Boy: hi

Girl: Theres something I forgot to tell you yesterday

Boy: so tell me now?

Girl: I'm H.I.V positive

Boy: what! how can you forget to tell someone this?!

Girl: I'm really sorry, I regret it all. I should of known better

Boy: so, what does this all mean? i have it too? how could you do this?!

Girl: Please forgive me, I'll be here for you. I don't know what to say. I'm guilty.

Boy: what does it do to you?! will i die?

Girl: Well, what H.I.V does is.. it weakens your immunes system by killing off important cells.

Boy: so, my chances of catching a disease or virus are even higher now?! this could turn out to be fatal!
i hope you know that!

Girl: Wait! Theres still a chance you'll be okay. Just plz go get tested.

Boy: oh i will. i just can't believe how irresponsible someone can be!

Blog 6

panic, fear
death, bleeding, crying
disease, virus, hurting, epidemic
hopeless, confused, assumptions, sympathy.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog 5

There are two types of bacteria. Bacteria that is benificial to humans, and bacteria that is harmful to humans.
The benificial bacterias in humans are very important. They produce enzymes that help digest food, they produce vitamins, and out number bad bacterias which limit their growth.

Harmful bacteria to humans, such as Salmonella, can cause severe illness like typhoid fever.
Many other harmful bacteria are the cause behind human illnesses.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Planets Temperature Just Right For Life?

Astronomers say they have found a planet suitable for life. They have named it the "Goldilocks" planet. The planet is orbiting a star a mere 20-light years away. They say it is a possibility that this planet can have life because it is not too hot nor too cold, its just the right temperature. Because of this liquid water can exist, however, the planet must also have the right surface gravitiy.

The newly discovered GJ 581g planet

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Are non carbon based life forms possible? Why or why not?

No, it is not possible. The planet Earth's population is made up of mostly carbon and water, without it we wouldn't be alive. Carbon is also what makes our backbone. Whatever creature is non-carbon based must be very wierd looking and not have the long of a life span.

Friday, September 10, 2010

U.S Switch To Metric System?

Yes, I Believe The U.s Should Switch To The Metric System. It Would Be Less Confusing And An Inncident Like The N.A.S.A Crashing Could Have Been Avoided If Both Space Crafts Were Using The Same System. The Metric System Is Very Simple And Is Already Well Known By Many Here In The U.S.

This School Year

This School Year For Biology Class I'd Like To Learn As Much As The Subject Has To Offer. I Want To Expierence Different Things And Learn New Things. I Hope To Accomplish A Lot And Stay Focused On My Work. Well Yeah, Thats About Does It.